Thursday, July 6, 2017

Belt Update

Sorry I haven't posted lately.  Life has interfered.

I want to update everyone on my gunbelts.

First, the Uncle Mike's instructor belt is still going strong.  I still recommend it highly.  It is my second favorite belt.

The SOE edc belt quickly became my favorite belt, period.  It's just heavy nylon webbing with a ton of heavy duty stitching.  It's tough as hell and awesome.  I bought an 1 1/2 inch wide belt with a 1 inch cobra buckle.  It uses velcro to adjust the buckle when you first put it on for the day.  After that the cobra buckle lets you fasten and unfasten it to visit the bathroom, retuck your shirt, whatever.  The reason you use the velcro strap to adjust it when you first put it on is that it's hard to thread the  buckle through the belt loops.  So it's easiest to remove the male half of the buckle, which has a nylon stip with velcro holding it on.   Clip the male half into the female half then thread the other end of the belt through the loops.  Then unclip the buckle, reattach the male end, reclip it and adjust the fit.  This belt is awesome.  I've used it as an inner belt for my duty belt also.  It's much more comfortable than the Uncle Mikes, mainly because I'm fat and the Uncle Mike's belt buckle tends to dig into my tactical muffin top if I have to sit a lot.  I plan to order one of their low profile edc belts soon.

The Trac Line belt has been used much more.  It's not as heavy duty as either of my other belts.  It is more adjustable than a standard belt, but not nearly as much so as the belt with the velcro strips.   I must fall into a size range that the 1/4 inch adjustments doesn't cover, because it isn't as secure as either of the other belts.  Even carrying my Glock 43, my pants tend to shift downward more than with the SOE or Uncle Mike's.  I've dropped about 3 pants sizes since getting the belt and it still does it.

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